TAB Fall 2024 Virtual Job Fair

September 16 – 20


Beginning Monday, September 16th, your participating stations will promote the event and drive visitors to the site. Scripts will be provided prior to the start of the week.

You can link to the site from your website, or send listeners/viewers directly to

We suggest all stations air their promos DURING the week of the job fair September 16-20.

Note: The Association does not require any documentation of this insertion, we only ask that make a good faith effort to air them and help get the word out. The success of this virtual job fair will depend upon you promoting the event.

Thank you and good luck with finding your next big superstar!


September 2024 Job Fair Form

Enter the Call Letters for ALL Participating Stations(Required)
Please enter one set of call letters per line. To add another line, select the plus button at the end of the text box.
Name of the HIRING AGENT(Required)
Mailing Address for ALL Participating Stations (please list the station call letters next to the address if you have more than one)(Required)
Please List the Call Letters in front of each Job Description. If you are posting more than one job, please put all your descriptions here.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Max. file size: 512 MB.


TAB Virtual Job Fair – 30 script TV or Radio

TAB Virtual Job Fair – 60 radio script template

TAB Virtual Job Fair – 60 TV script template