- Current FCC license and other outstanding FCC authorizations.
- Pending applications and related petitions (keep application until action on the application is final).
- Station contour map.
- Current ownership report and related materials such as articles of incorporation and TV network affiliation agreements, or a list of such materials.
- Political candidate requests for broadcast time and records showing the disposition of such requests (retain for two years).
- Annual EEO public file reports.
- The Public and Broadcasting FCC manual.
- Letters and e-mails from the public that concern programming.
- Material relating to an FCC investigation.
- Certifications of broadcast of renewal pre-filing and post-filing announcements.
- Radio and TV LMAs and joint sales agreements.
- For commercial TV and Class A TV stations only, records concerning adherence to commercial limits in children’s programming, and copies of each quarterly children’s programming report (Form 398) filed with the FCC.
- For commercial TV and Class A TV stations only, statements of their elections of must-carry or retransmission consent (retain for pertinent the three-year election period).
WILKINSON ) BARKER ) KNAUER ) LLP | 823 Congress Avenue, PO Box 38 | Austin, TX 78767 | Tel: 202.383.3428 | https://www.wbklaw.com