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The TAB will be hosting our second virtual job fair of 2023 during the week of October 2–6.

Registration will be the same format as always. Instead of emailing me your information, we have created a form to fill out to streamline the entry process.

To register, your first step is to fill out the form on the link below. (Please fill out the entire form)

To Register: CLICK HERE

Your next step is to post any job openings that you’d like to include at the National Alliance of State Broadcasters Association’s www.CareerPage.org.

If you are new to CareerPage.org, simply click on the “Register” link on the home page.

Use the access code 3Sdg54 to complete your registration.

Beginning the Monday of the job fair, your participating stations promote the event and drive visitors to the site.

You can link to the site from your website, or send listeners/viewers directly to www.BroadcastersVirtualJobFair.com

TV and Radio scripts will be sent out soon.

We suggest all stations air their promos DURING the week of the job fair October 2-6

Note: The Association does not require any documentation of this insertion, we only ask that make a good faith effort to air them and help get the word out. The success for this virtual job fair will depend upon you promoting the event. Thank you and good luck on finding your next big superstar!

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