House Panel Advances Bipartisan Bill To Restore FCC Auction Authority

By |2023-05-25T10:13:27-05:00May 25th, 2023|Legal News|

The House Subcommittee on Communications & Technology on Wednesday, May 24th unanimously advanced a bill to renew the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC”) authority to auction commercial airwaves and use the proceeds to pay for both next generation 911 and the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.  The bipartisan 50-0 vote comes after the FCC’s...… Continue Reading

Biden Administration Nominates Fifth FCC Commissioner, and Renominates Two Existing Commissioners – What Broadcast Issues Could a Full FCC Resolve?

By |2023-05-24T11:25:17-05:00May 24th, 2023|Legal News|

This week brought the news that the Biden administration has nominated Anna Gomez for the open Democratic FCC seat that Gigi Sohn was to fill until she asked that her nomination be withdrawn in March, after a prolonged debate over her confirmation.  Gomez is experienced in government circles, having worked at NTIA (a Department of... Continue Reading…

Biden Announces Nomination of Anna Gomez to Fifth FCC Seat

By |2023-05-23T07:55:20-05:00May 23rd, 2023|Legal News|

President Joe Biden has announced that he plans to nominate Anna Gomez to serve as an FCC Commissioner.   Currently, Gomez is a Senior Advisor to the State Department’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy. She previously served as the Deputy Administrator for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and held a variety of roles...… Continue Reading

FCC Seeks Comments on Proposed Annual Regulatory Fees – Proposal Includes a Decrease in Fees To Be Paid By Broadcasters

By |2023-05-19T10:35:41-05:00May 19th, 2023|Legal News|

This week, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking containing its proposal for the annual regulatory fees to be paid by broadcasters in September of this year.  The annual fees are paid by all entities that the FCC regulates to reimburse the government for the cost of FCC operations.  The FCC decides how much... Continue Reading…

AM For Every Vehicle Act Introduced in House and Senate to Mandate AM Radio in Cars

By |2023-05-18T10:30:28-05:00May 18th, 2023|Legal News|

The fear that AM radio will disappear from the car has been high on broadcasters’ lists of concerns in recent months as several car makers, including Ford, have suggested that receivers would be dropped from new models.  The issue was addressed last weekend in a front-page story in the Washington Post.  It has been highlighted... Continue Reading…

Upcoming FCC Broadcast Filing Deadlines for June and July

By |2023-05-17T12:16:33-05:00May 17th, 2023|Legal News|

June 1  Annual EEO Public Inspection File Report – Broadcasters with Station Employment Units comprised of radio and/or television stations with five or more full-time employees licensed to communities in Arizona, the District of Columbia, Idaho, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, or Wyoming must upload to the stations’ respective Online...… Continue Reading

FCC Repeals COVID-Era Accommodation that Allowed Broadcasters to Offer Businesses Free Advertising Time Without LUC Implications

By |2023-05-16T21:47:57-05:00May 16th, 2023|Legal News|

Yesterday, the FCC’s Media Bureau released a Public Notice announcing that it was repealing the COVID related guidance released in March 2020 that allowed broadcasters, local cable operators, and other media companies subject to the requirements that political candidates be offered Lowest Unit Rates during pre-election periods, to offer free advertising time to advertisers and... Continue Reading…

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